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来源:财富生活 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-04-26

【摘要】:of Castile 5.卡斯蒂利亚女王伊莎贝拉一世 Lived: 1451—1504 Nation:Spain Peak Wealth/Global GDP:1% As one of the richest monarchs in the world,it didn't seem like things could get much bet

of Castile


Lived: 1451—1504


Peak Wealth/Global GDP:1%

As one of the richest monarchs in the world,it didn't seem like things could get much better for Queen Isabel I of Castile—until she consolidated her control over all of Spain by marrying her cousin Ferdinand of the time of her death,Castile's crown had an annual income of about 1.45 million ducats,the gold coin that served as Spain's also ruled over Spain during a boom in its wool and textile industries,and personally possessed some of the most valuable jewels and tapestries in the world at the time.



财富峰值在全球GDP 占比:1%

作为世上最富有的君主之一,卡斯蒂利亚女王伊莎贝拉一世的地位已经是尊崇荣耀、无以复加。等到她嫁给堂弟阿拉贡的斐迪南时,她的权力更是覆及整个西班牙。在她过世时,卡斯蒂利亚君王的年收入约为1 4 5 万达克特(当时西班牙的通行货币)。其统治正逢西班牙羊毛和纺织业的鼎盛时期。此外,她个人还拥有许多当时世上价值连城的珠宝和壁毯。 □

文章来源:《财富生活》 网址: http://www.cfshzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0426/1518.html


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